Istanbul Technical University (ITU), Faculty of Mines, Department of Geophysical Engineering is located at the ITU Ayazaga Campus. Department of Geophysical Engineering is one of the five departments in the ITU Faculty of Mines. The “Applied Geophysics” course was the first course offered in the undergraduate program of Mining Engineering to teach students modern mine exploration methods in 1953.
Following the establishment of the Geological Engineering and Petroleum Engineering Departments, the scope of geophysical education is enlarged by the addition of Seismology, Solid Earth Physics, and Well-Logging courses. The developments in the faculty and infrastructure during the years led to the establishment of the “Department of Geophysics” in 1974. First undergraduate and graduate degrees were offered in 1978 and 1980, respectively.
Following the Higher Education Council Legislation (Article no: 2547) in 1983, the title of the department was changed to “Department of Geophysical Engineering". Our undergraduate program has been undergone revision 7 times since 1974. While developing our programs, we have considered common issues and applications related to mining, geological, petroleum, civil and environmental engineering disciplines. Rapid advancements in science and technology along with the feedback we had from institutions and companies recruiting our graduates led us to improve our educational program.
Following the decision of ITU Senate on the accreditation of undergraduate educational programs, the Department of Geophysical Engineering initiated a major restructuring process of its geophysical engineering program based on ABET EC2000 criterion in the beginning of 2001. The main body of the present geophysical engineering program was adapted by a major revision made between 2001 and 2003. The Geophysical Engineering Program was accredited by the ABET in terms of “substantially equivalency program” according to ABET EC2000 criterion following the program visit in September 13-15, 2003.